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Find Support

Welcome to the 'Find Support' page, your central hub for accessing support and resources tailored to your local area. Whether you need to connect with health professionals, find information on staying active, or seek advice on home safety, this page will guide you to the right contacts and resources.
Find Support

Contacting Your GP

For general health concerns or to discuss your falls risk and prevention strategies, your GP can provide guidance and referrals. They may suggest a referral to services such as Community Therapy, Social Services, or community exercise groups.

Social Prescribing

Did you know that your GP Practice also has a service called Social Prescribing? Social Prescribers can provide support and advice on non-health-related issues, such as stress, loneliness and debt. They can also help to connect or signpost you to local support services, activities or groups. To access this service, contact your GP surgery and request a referral.

Support with Medication

For advice or support about medication and falls risk, speak with your GP or a community pharmacist. Remember it’s important to have your medication reviewed yearly.

Social Services

Consider contacting social services if:

  • You are struggling with day-to-day living at home, and you feel you might need care support
  • You have a long-term health condition and think you need major home adaptations

Adult Contact Team Information

Cheshire East Adult Contact Team: 0300 123 5010
Cheshire West & Chester Adult Contact Team: 0300 123 7034

Free Falls Prevention Exercise Classes

Exercises specifically designed for improving strength and balance are the most effective at reducing falls risk. There are free falls prevention classes provided by the Council. See below for details and eligibility criteria. 

Cheshire East FREE Class: Stand Strong (One You Cheshire East)

Visit Stand Strong (One You Cheshire East)

Cheshire West and Chester FREE Class:

Better Balance (Cheshire Change Hub) Free Falls Prevention Service in Cheshire

Visit Better Balance Free Falls Prevention